:: Saturday, December 05, 2009 ::
Obama's Sympathy Tour
Although Reagan and Clinton also had alcoholic fathers and abandonment issues, Obama is nothing like them. He's a narcissist, and narcissists are incapable of empathy - feeling others' pain. Clinton, for all of his pathological lying and manipulation, did project real empathy. Reagan was the salt of the earth - incapable of deception, incapable of maudlin lip-biting. Obama is flat, two-dimensional. Like any narcissist, he doesn't have a fully developed personality, and he does not connect with other people, because it's always a one-way transaction - you give, he receives.
:: doctorfixit 3:36 AM
[+]> ::
:: Wednesday, December 02, 2009 ::
Obama: The Shuck-And-Jiver
In Chief
Our enemies laugh at us, our friends shudder with embarrassment. We have
a leader who bows to tinpot kings and apologizes on behalf of a country
in which he has spent hardly any time , and on behalf of a people for
whom he has utter contempt. His bitter hatred for the military is impossible
to disguise, even with his prodigious talents of deceit. We have a fraud
at the helm who can't tell where he's taking us because he has a mirror
instead of a window and a teleprompter instead of a brain.
:: doctorfixit 5:42 AM
[+] ::
:: Saturday, November 07, 2009 ::
Is Not A Religion
Stop thinking of Islam as a religion and start thinking of it as an all-encompassing
totalitarian ideological system. Communism was similar, but it simply
dispensed with religion, eliminating factions based on abstract doctrinal
differences (Sunni v Shiite). This was a huge advantage in enforcing uniformity
and discipline. Islam however has the advantage of obtaining religious
protections from weak western societies that don't understand that Islam
is NOT a religion and it does NOT merit these protections.
:: doctorfixit 7:04 AM
[+] ::
:: Saturday, April 26, 2008 ::
Glomal Warbling Hoax -
Government's Own Measurements Debunk "Scientists"
There's a reason they call it "Political Science". Liberal fascists promote
Glomal Warbling - the ultimate hoax for panicking us into surrendering
our last remnants of freedom.
:: doctorfixit 2:38 AM
[+] ::
:: Monday, March 17, 2008 ::
Obama's Race War
Obama's pastor of 20 years hates America.
Obama's wife hates America.
Obama's supporters hate America.
Obama is good pals with a 60s Weatherman terrorist.
Am I missing something here, or is there something really historic happening?
With Obama, get ready for racial paybacks. He will do whatever his rabid
supporters demand. This is not a person who thinks for himself. He will
go with the looters and the mob.
The Clintons can hardly contain their glee - mainly because they can't
be blamed for this one.
The Democrat party was founded by slave owners. It brought the Civil War
to protect the slaveholder's interests. The Democrat party responded to
Republican president Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation by passing Jim
Crow laws. The Democrat party fought integration and Civil Rights legislation
to the bitter end. The Democrat party's psychobabble excuses for anti-european
hate crimes has enabled generations of murderous predators to roam unimpeded
by the "justice" system.
Will blacks ever wake up to realize that the race baiting , class warfare,
and soft bigotry of the Democrat party is what is keeping them down?
I don't think America is ready to elect a President with this kind of
radical baggage. Beyond that, the Democrat party deserves whatever unpleasant
consequences result from their perpetual racial hate campaign.
:: doctorfixit 7:43 PM
[+] ::
:: Saturday, March 08, 2008 ::
Karl Rove Joins McCain
Karl Rove is no genius. He's the architect of Bush's disastrous amnesty
program, which alienated Mexicans and split the party. He also presided
over the 2006 Republican bloodbath in Congress.
McCain's use of Bush retreads like Rove is proof that he can't think for
himself. Ever notice that it's always McCain-Feingold, McCain-Kennedy,
McCain-Lieberman? McCain isn't smart enough to come up with ideas of his
own - he has to borrow them. He can't go to the Republicans because he
has alienated them, so he has to go over to the Democrats. McCain gives
the liberal fascists invaluable cover for their socialist schemes. In
return , he gets to pretend he's a statesman. "Reaching across the aisle"
is not a sign of statemanship - it's a sign of weakness.
McCain is mentally weak, he has low intelligence. He has character weaknesses
- he's hot tempered, unable to control impulses, he carries grudges, personalizes
disagreement, and resorts to profanity and name-calling. This is because
McCain isn't intelligent enough to debate issues. Look at the liberal
idea he has taken up - they're idiotic.
McCain is headed for a richly deserved landslide defeat. Neither Rove
nor Melman nor all the King's men are going to be able to put Humpty Dumbhead
back together again.
:: doctorfixit 3:33 PM
[+] ::
:: Sunday, March 02, 2008 ::
Virtual Fence Is a Real
If there was any doubt as to the intentions of America's political class
regarding border security, the revelation that the touted "virtual fence"
isn't expected to work for another three years, if ever, nails it. It
is no coincidence that this announcement was made only after both political
parties have a guaranteed open-borders candidate, and only after Congress
refused to fund a real fence. When it comes to border security, the only
thing we hear from Washington is "It can't be done." I don't believe the
'virtual fence' was ever intended to work. I think it was just another
sham designed to quiet the growing frustration and anger over the Bush
administration's willful abandonment of our borders. If Senator John "Amnesty"
McCain wins, you can count on more of the same.
:: doctorfixit 6:01 AM
[+] ::
:: Wednesday, January 09, 2008 ::
Joy Behar is an anti-Catholic
On Barbara Walters (Jewish) show, The (perverted) View, anti-Catholic
bigotry is rampant.
Read more
:: doctorfixit 6:16 PM
[+] ::
:: Thursday, December 13, 2007 ::
Earth Destroyed - Poor,
Minorities Hardest Hit
You can't even make this stuff up:
"Poor Hardest Hit By Climate Change" Read
More >>
:: doctorfixit 2:55 PM
[+] ::
:: Sunday, November 04, 2007 ::
Sacramento Bee Headline:
"Gleeful Opponents Bash Clinton on Immigration"
Super-misleading headline which is what you expect from McClatchy newspapers.
I didn't see any "glee" at teh Philadelphia debate. I saw concern and
frustration trying to get a straight answer out of her. I didn't see any
"bashing" either, simply a polite series of follow up questions as she
tried to spin her latest answers to contradict the immediate previous
ones. And why the misleading term "immigration", when they were really
talking about ILLEGAL immigrants? But what's most disturbing about the
post-debate spin by the media is the spiking of the real story - Hillary's
meltdown over the Clintons' refusal to release the records of her unelected
involvement in White House policymaking and her Nixonian role in directing
operations against their enemies. There is a lot more bubbling under the
surface of Hillary than we are being allowed to see.
:: doctorfixit 6:20 AM
[+] ::
:: Friday, October 19, 2007 ::
Hillary Clinton Will Confiscate
the Internet and Use It For Marxist Propaganda
It's not coincidence that the Clintons are so cozy with the Communist
Chinese. That's because they are so close philosophically. The Chinese
have a stranglehold on all communications, and especially the Internet.
Hillary is envious of the mind-control propaganda powers of the Chinese,
and she plans to confiscate the Internet by Executive Order soon after
she attains the throne. Hillary will eradicate the First Amendment by
Executive Order, implementing her own perverted version of the "Fairness"
Doctrine. Read
:: doctorfixit 5:29 AM
[+] ::
:: Friday, September 21, 2007 ::
Sacramento Bee Cheers Racist
Murdering Mob in Jena
Outrageous that the Sacramento Bee spins the racist Jena mob as a search
for "racial justice". If those murdering racist thugs are given a pass
like OJ, it's another sign that our "justice" system allows blacks and
Mexicans to literally get away with murder. Like the Rodney-King massacre
in LA, these incidents prove that the courts do not protect European-Americans
from these animals and that we need to take aggressive steps to protect
ourselves by any means necessary. European-Americans need our own protective
forces against racist haters who are being encouraged by hate criminals
like Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and the leftist press. The police have
been politicized to look the other way when blacks and Mexicans commit
serious, violent crime. Black-on-white racism is a daily fact of life
that is not being reported by the marxist press. Instead we get propaganda
that makes murderers look like civil rights heroes. The Sacramento Bee
is disgusting, racist, communist propaganda trash newspaper.
:: doctorfixit 6:57 AM
[+] ::
:: Thursday, September 13, 2007 ::
Doing the Jobs Americans
Won't Do
Five-time deported illegal invader brutally binds, gags, and murders his
:: doctorfixit 12:20 PM
[+] ::
:: Tuesday, August 28, 2007 ::
Doing The Jobs Americans
Won't Do
Mexican Drug Gang Assassin "Bart" Reta
:: doctorfixit 2:46 PM
[+] ::
:: Friday, August 10, 2007 ::
Hillary Clinton: How Dare
You Call Universal Health Care Socialized Medicine?
Great article. Hillary at her best: arrogant, condescending, racist, sneering
Read more>>
:: doctorfixit 7:55 AM
[+] ::
:: Sunday, July 22, 2007 ::
Cecilia Munoz - Minister
of Hate
La Racist/La Raza top dog Cecilia Munoz is on a hate rampage against anyone
who opposes the Mexican Invasion. Problem is, the race card has been used
so many times that the spots have worn off. No one is buying the idea
anymore that opposing an invasion by people who spit on our language,
laws, and culture equals hatred. It's really tough love. Only if you hate
yourself and your country do you support the invasion. Boycott everything
Mexican, and send a strong message to Minister of Hate Cecilia Munoz that
the invasion will be repelled.
:: doctorfixit 9:11 PM
[+] ::
:: Friday, June 29, 2007 ::
Roberts Court Gives Hope
For European American Equality
After generations of government warfare against European Americans, the
Roberts Court has provided a ray of hope that someday the US Constitution
will return from exile, and Equal Protection Under the Law will again
be honored as the law of the land.
The long-awaited removal of anti-european racist justice Sandra Day O'Fuckhead
set the stage for European Americans to regain their lost contitutional
rights, rights denied them since the Ted Kennedy/Richard Nixon era of
reverse racism laws passed in the late 1960s.
As if on cue, Democrat party politicians wrung their hands and whined
incoherently, increasingly at a loss to justify government discrimination
against European Americans in liberal strongholds like Seattle, where
it is difficult for liberals to declare themselves so racist that government
intervention in local school decisions is justified. After the racism
argument was rendered moot, liberals changed the game by engaging in "voluntary"
reverse racism, based on phony, illusory, and discredited "benefits" of
The Supreme Court finally obtained enough members to deal honestly with
this outrage.
:: doctorfixit 7:23 PM
[+] ::
:: Thursday, June 28, 2007 ::
Americans Reject La Racist/La
Raza Surrender Demand
Let's recap some of the lies from Bush, Kennedy, McCain, Kyl, Graham,
Feinstein, Michael Jerkoff, and the others about the amnesty plan:
1. "In the shadows". Hard to find shade when you're marching around waving
Mexican flags. Even Islamic terrorist illegal aliens live right out in
the open, partying at strip clubs and enrolling in flight schools. I wish
the invaders WERE in the shadows instead of clogging up the freeway everywhere
I go.
2. "Can't deport them". If we make their lives miserable enough here,
they'll go . Every American can do their part by boycotting Mexicans.
3. "Fence is too expensive". What this really means is "American citizenship
isn't worth protecting."
4. "Path to citizenship". The path is already there for millions of people
who want to play by the rules. The Mexican invaders aren't interested
in becoming citizens. They don't even want to be citizens of Mexico, or
they would work to improve their own country.
5. "Immigrants are a net gain to economy". Mexican invaders are not immigrants,
they are invaders, and they are bankrupting America. German storm trooper
"immigrants" were a net gain to France's economy, too. So what? Is it
all about selling America to the cheapest bidder?
6. "Opponents of amnesty are racists". Nothing is more racist than invading
someone else's country and forcing them to pay tribute in the form of
"free" social services; refusing to learn the language, and all the other
non-assimilating racist behaviors of the Mexican invaders.
7. "American economy can't survive without the Mexican invaders". I mow
my own lawn, I refuse to do business with any company that hires illegals,
and I buy my produce from farms that don't hire illegals. Guess what?
I'm doing just fine. Take 12 million illegals off our highways and out
of our schools and hospitals, and I'll appreciate the reduced congestion,
pollution, and waiting in lines. Getting rid of the invaders would be
like pulling your finger out of a bucket of boiling water. Feels a lot
better, and you really don't notice any hole left behind.
8. "If we don't surrender & grant amnesty, they won't vote for us". Karl
Rove's favorite lie. The Mexican invaders will always vote for the "get
whitey" party. No amount of ass-kissing by Bush is going to change that
fact. They will never be Republicans. Mexican invaders hate, hate, hate
the gringo. If the Republican party disappears, fine. European Americans
need a party that supports them and their homeland. Fuck the Republicans.
They only care about big business and cheap labor.
:: doctorfixit 10:05 PM
[+] ::
:: Sunday, June 17, 2007 ::
The End of America
Historians may well point out that President George W.Bush's refusal to
secure American borders was a seminal event, a milestone marking a clear
demarcation in the degeneration of the modern democracy model of government.
Seperate from the merits of the arguments for and against a borderless
nation, President Bush's obdurate refusal to enforce borders, along with
Congress' complicity in his massive amnesty for the invaders, is clear
evidence that America's political classes no longer act in response to
political inputs from the governed. There is now a complete disassociation
between the political elites and the masses. This calls for non-political
methods of effecting desired political outcomes. If Americans are to retain
any control over their destiny, they must begin immediately to communicate,
organize, and act in ways that will enhance their probability of survival,
ways that have nothing to do with marching,letter writing, or voting.
For the fact is that American political elites have created powerful and
supremely motivated enemies worldwide who seek to destroy not the American
government, but the people themselves. And the fact is that American democracy
is a sham, largely because of the two party system.. It is more than symbolic
that the object of Bush's border betrayal is the importation of millions
of people who have no investment or interest in a functioning democatic
republic form of government.
:: doctorfixit 6:55 PM
[+] ::
:: Saturday, June 02, 2007 ::
Bush Courts Mexican Votes
By Calling Republicans Racist
One of the more egregious lies being spread by open borders advocates
is that California Prop 187 drove Mexicans into the arms of Democrat ballot
box-stuffers - and that all those illegal aliens would be voting Republican
- if only Pete Wilson and an overwhelming majority of Californians were
not such racists.
Now President Bush and his sycophants are coming out of the bunkers, and
they are libeling opponents of this odious amnesty with taunts of racism.
In the words of Sen. Lindsay Graham "We are going to shut the bigots up".
Linda Chavez says we're "loudmouths".
Well, I have news for you. South Carolina voters are going to throw Graham
out with the trash in the next election. Linda Chavez can go crawl back
under whatever rock she slithered out from.
Quoting Heather McDonald in National Review online about the latest such
propaganda from Jeb Bush and Mel Martinez:
"Too bad they didn’t read their own op-ed. No Republican presidential
nominee has won California since 1988, they report. (note: that's 1988)
Prop. 187 must be one powerful toxin, if it can alienate Hispanics six
years before it even exists.
In fact, California’s transformation from “Reagan country” to labor-union
country is the far more likely consequence of the growing Hispanic population
per se and the corresponding outflow of white Republicans to other states.
In 1990, California was one-quarter Latino and 57-percent white; in 2000,
it was 32-percent Latino and 47-percent white; in 2005, Latinos constituted
35 percent, and whites 43 percent, of the population. Those shifting demographics
have been accompanied by the growing clout of the Democratic party, and
of California's public-service unions, not because of some vestigial memory
of 187, but because they appeal to low-wage, low-skilled Hispanics. Los
Angeles politics are now closely intertwined with the unionized Left,
now that Latinos in 2005 made up 47 percent of the population and whites,
30 percent. The idea that Prop. 187, now 12 years old, is driving this
massive shift is fanciful. California provides a glimpse of the likely
political future if poor Hispanics continue to be the fastest-growing
demographic in the country."
California's far left politics has become ever more so with the continuing
Mexican invasion, witness the flag burnings, strident La Racist/La Raza
calls for repatriation, etc. Soon we will see moves to make Caracas, Venezuela
a sister city, official state honors for Chavez, Castro etc., as the Mexican
invaders grow ever bolder and ever more Bolshevik, and as both political
parties fall over each other promising taxpayer-paid goodies to buy their
votes. It's no wonder European Americans are bailing out of California
by the hundreds of thousands each year. Not only are both Democrat and
Republican parties demonizing us, they are forcing us to pay tribute to
these invaders!
Just because the Republican party wants to commit suicide doesn't mean
that European Americans are obligated to go along for the ride. We are
importing millions of people who viscerally hate european american "gringos",
because they represent the european oligarchy of Mexico that has oppressed
them for centuries. Can you blame them? Of course they put on a happy
face for Senor Bush - el padron, just as they do in Mexico. But in America,
unlike Mexico, they can vote for a party that promises revenge against
europeans. Until now, that would be the Democrat party. But Bush and his
hacks have now come along to point out that the Democrats are right -
Republicans really are a bunch of racists for not rewarding you for breaking
our laws and stealing our jobs and not paying taxes and murdering, raping,
and drug dealing.
And this is somehow going to persuade Mexicans to vote Republican, when
the leader of the party calls Republicans anti-Mexican racists?
This plutocrat moron Bush has thrown down the challenge. Are European
Americans going to stand silent in the face of the Republican party's
repulsive demagoguery and race baiting? Or will they give the Republicans
what they deserve, and destroy them at the polls?
:: doctorfixit 5:50 AM
[+] ::
:: Monday, May 21, 2007 ::

Electron Microscopes Reveal the Virus That Causes Genital Warts
This is a magnified view of the virus that causes genital warts, thought
to be a pre-cursor to cancer of the genitals.
:: doctorfixit 3:00 PM
[+] ::
:: Wednesday, May 16, 2007 ::
Global Warming Scam Employs Thousands of Parasite
Government perpetuates problems - it never solves them. "Global Warming"
is a new twist - a special case where government not only perpetuates
the problem - it invented a problem that does not exist. Already, huge
new bureaucracies are envisioned with the power to control the entire
world economy - and even whether or not you will be allowed to breathe
the air. Bureaucrats have long ago decided that they own the atmosphere.
With the help of black-robed tyrants on the US Supreme Court, led by Anthony
Kennedy, they have decreed that carbon dioxide, a substance in existence
since the foramtion of our planet, and without which life on earth cannot
exist, is suddenly a dangerous pollutant.
Global warming is a hoax, and the proof is the virulence of the attacks
on anyone who tries to expose the lies. Global warming is the vehicle
by which the left wing intends to emplace the final components in the
construction of worldwide totalitarianism and politically-based genocide.
Global warming and so-called "environmental crimes" will be the basis
for extermination of the last remnants of private property, as well as
the extermination of the entire population of people who believe in freedom
from government tyranny.
The power of the global warming myth is its hynotic power to deceive politicians
of every persuasion, even those who pretend to believe in private property
and individual liberty. It is the most dangerous ideology since the totalitarian
philosophies of the 20th century. And Al Gore is one of the top most dangerous
demogogues of the last 100 years. He is relentless in his pursuit of totalitarian
power, and if he has any success it will be gravely dangerous to freedom
anywhere in the world. Fortunately, Al Gore does not have the sociopathic
charm of Bill Clinton, and it is easy for most to see the insincerity
and dishonesty that underlies everything Al Gore does. As horrible as
George Bush is, the one saving factor is - he's not Al Gore.
:: doctorfixit 11:47 AM
[+] ::
:: Tuesday, May 08, 2007 ::
Liberalism Is A Hate Crime
Maybe the way to stop liberals from using the government to harass and
oppress their political enemies is to turn the tables. If we make liberalism
a hate crime under the law, we can then start locking them up. After they've
been in prison for a few decades, they may re-think the idea of using
the government to persecute people on the basis of their religious, cultural,
or political ideas. If thoughts are a crime, surely the idea of stealing
the fruits of hard work and distributing them to those who don't contribute
anything to the community has to rank right at the top of criminal thinking.
After all, turnabout is fair play.
:: doctorfixit 9:48 AM
[+] ::
:: Friday, April 06, 2007 ::
Giuliani Self Destructs
Promoting Government-Paid Abortions
He got in trouble with me when he started talking about a Constitutional
right to an abortion. There is no such thing. What we have is a bogus
"right" to an abortion that was "discovered" lurking in the shadows of
the Constitution by a black-robed baby butcher named Blackmun. Blackmun's
dead now, and he'll burn in hell forever. And so will Giuliani, if he
doesn't stop promoting this unspeakable holocaust of the innocent unborn.
On the other hand, if there is one issue that will finally begin the 2nd
Civil War and a renewal of American decency, forcing taxpayers to pay
for the murder of unborn innocent children may be the one. So maybe Giuliani
is getting us closer to the realization that there is not a single politician
in America that is willing to stand up for what is right, on this or any
other issue, and it's time to visit upon the political class the consequences
they have been so willing to dispense on others. In the meantime, Giuliani
joins Amnesty McCain on the long list of politicians who will never get
my vote.
:: doctorfixit 10:48 PM
[+] ::
:: Sunday, February 18, 2007 ::
Weintraub's Feel-good Open Borders Propaganda
Weintraub's piece on illegal aliens is meant to comfort us on the ever
growing invasion from Mexico and Central America, but it's totally incorrect,
and dishonest in some ways, because I think he knows better.
His use of the term "boomers" is really disrespectful, and actually somewhat
racist. It's clear from the use of this term that this article is meant
to be condescending and pedantic, a lot like the patronizing crap that
Ruben Navarette writes. I'm surprised he didn't call us "Anglo boomers".
Americans don't "need" immigrants. Let's try stopping the invasion for
thirty years or so, and see what happens. I'll bet that low-skilled blacks
and other jobless native Americans will appreciate the opportunities they
are now being denied by the invaders. One of the biggest complaints I
have about open-borders advocates is their economic racism against our
own poor blacks.
The invading Mexicans and Central Americans are most definitely not learning
English, and I think this is where Weihtraub is being dishonest, because
I think he knows better. They have no interest in "becoming American",
and they are stubbornly determined to resist assimilation, much like the
Hmongs. Illegal aliens are flying the Mexican flag and screaming about
Aztlan and reconquista. Visit the 2nd largest Mexican city in the world,
Los Angeles, and try to convince me it's not Mexico. The proof comes when
you put two Mexicans in a place with one American, and listen to which
language they use - it's always Mexican.
Plunging birth rate? Mexican births are the only reason that America's
population is not shrinking like Europe's. Weintraub knows this, too.
What will America look like in thirty years if the open borders people
continue to have their way? Well, just look at Mexico. Go to Guadalajara
and visit the European colonies there. Of course, these folks live very
comfortably with all the cheap labor waiting on them hand and foot, servants
who speak a language they don't understand except enough phrases like
"can you run a dust cloth over this for me" . It's such a nice life that
they don't mind the fact that the Mexican government will never allow
them to own property, or become citizens (who would want to?). It may
be comfortable, but it's not America. And it depends on a ruthless federal
police force to keep order and protect the oligarchy from the peasants.
Feel-good propaganda from the open borders folks is not good for America.
We need to hear the truth. And the truth is, that although aging Americans
may appreciate having cheap help, they are not going to feel good about
losing their country in order to get it, and they are going to hate their
own government for forcing them to accept this invasion in order to bail
out the Social Security pyramid scheme. In addition, Americans need to
hear about the ongoing race war between the Mexicans, who are among the
most prejudiced people on the planet,and American blacks. I know why this
story is being suppressed by the media and the goverment, but it's going
to explode one of these days, and make the fires of '67 look like a backyard
:: doctorfixit 6:34 AM
[+] ::
:: Friday, February 16, 2007 ::
Anti-Catholic Bigot Blogger
Amanda Marcotte Spins Her Excuse for Hate-filled Blasphemy
Don't bother following this
link. It will only waste your time with anti-Catholic venom attempting
to explain the writing that dooms her soul to everlasting hell.
:: doctorfixit 7:33 PM
[+] ::
:: Friday, February 02, 2007 ::
Why Libertarians Will Never
Mr. Kling is an honorable man with noble motives. But
the more I read these principles, the more I get a feeling of passivity
and non-engagement, and of course this is the curse of libertarians. We
only want to be left alone, and it's against our principles to tell others
what to do, as much as we loathe it when it happens to us. And so libertarians
will never rule. We are facing now several world movements that have promised
to destroy and enslave all those who cherish freedom. One is the "global
warming" conspiracy that has been engineered by the UN in order to impose
worldwide totalitarian Marxism. The other is of course the Islamic cult
of death and enslavement, which has vowed to annhiliate anyone who dreams
of individual freedom. Our government is mindlessly falling into a series
of traps that have the effect of protecting these enemies and enhancing
their probability of success, and we must not be deceived by the insanely
expensive circus show that is being performed in Iraq to convince us that
our government will protect us. The survival of western civilization and
freedom will hinge on whether we can recognize in time the threat that
our own socialist government poses in its willingness to accommodate these
enemies. It is not the time for lukewarm, passive philosophizing. We are
not free today, we are slaves of socialism, a socialist order that has
clearly demonstrated an intent to surrender to the twin evils of Marxism
and Islam. In order to become free, Libertarians will have to ally them
selves with warriors. Freedom will require earth-shaking levels of courage
and the willingness to rip the guts out of our enemies with our bare teeth.
Something along these lines is what I am waiting to see from Libertarians
in the way of organizing principles.
:: doctorfixit 8:25 AM
[+] ::
:: Thursday, February 01, 2007 ::
We Have Now Just One Party
The Republican Party is redundant. Like the Episcopal Church and the Catholic
Church, the only difference is the top guy, or top gay, as the case may
be. "Exporting democracy" is pure, delusional, Wilsonian Democrat lunacy.
The Bush-led explosion in federal involvement in local schools and health
care is unadulterated socialism. Open borders and amnesty for illegals
is pure one-world-government Marxism. The Republican Party has become
indistinguishable from the Democrat Party, even on the one issue that
once separated them, foreign policy, i.e., Iraq and the Middle East. There
is simply no place in American politics for a libertarian conservative
to go. I feel totally alienated from the political system, which I believe
is inimical to my interests, my goals, and my values.
:: doctorfixit 1:05 AM
[+] ::
:: Wednesday, January 03, 2007 ::
New Lord's Prayer - Hillary
Get this memorized on the double!
Our Hillary, who art in Washington, hollow be thy game. Thy girlfriends
come, thy Bill is scum, on earth busybody heaven. Government pay's our
daily bread. And give us our press passes, as we forgive those who have
something on us. And plead us not guilty for ruining the nation, but deliver
us some evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory,
for ever and ever, amen.
:: doctorfixit 10:22 AM
[+] ::
Gerald Ford 1913 - 2006
Gerald Ford appointed John Paul Stevens, the execrable, senile, undying
scourge on the US Supreme Court. That is even more unforgiveable than
the facts that he pardoned Nixon, kept Reagan out of the White House,
or failed to beat Jimmy Carter. The 1970s were certainly the worst decade
of my life, and this would be agreed by most who lived through those awful
years, but I can only blame Jimmy Carter for the last and worst half of
that decade. The first half was ruined by Nixon and Ford. Except for his
support for the butchery of unborn babies, Ford was seemingly a very nice
man, but he pretty much should have stayed in the Congress. May he rest
in peace, and may liberal Republicanism go to its grave along with him.
:: doctorfixit 2:54 AM
[+] ::
:: Friday, December 22, 2006 ::
The Obama-nable SnowJob
is a Fake
You heard it here first - the Obama-nable Snowjob. He's a fake. His entire
purpose is to squash any real opposition to Hillary. You wonder how such
a lightweight could be getting such amazing press coverage, like he was
some kind of person with substance? The Driveby Media is puffing this
guy up. Why? He's a straw man for Hillary to knock over - nicely, politely.
Watch the press call RACIST!! anyone else who objects to Obama. At the
proper time he will sashay up and kiss her phenomenally large ass. It
has already been scripted, like everything else about Hitler-y Clit-tongue.
Scripted. Phony. The Obama-nable Snowjob.
:: doctorfixit 8:23 AM
[+] ::
:: Friday, December 15, 2006 ::
Jimmy Carter: Jew-Hater,
Genocide-Enabler, Liar
I can't explain it any better than David Howoritz does, do read his account
of how Jimmy Carter can pack more lies in a single sentence than even
Paul Krugman does, and taht's a lot of lies in one sentence! Read
more >>
Clearly, Jimmy Carter is one of the most evil Americans in history. His
criminally incompetent Presidency can now be understood as a symptom of
a man consumed by hatred and evil.
:: doctorfixit 1:50 PM
[+] ::
:: Tuesday, December 12, 2006 ::
Democrat Affirmative Action
Pick For Homeland Security Flunks Easy Terrorist Quiz
When every decision is based on race or ethnicity, and not on merit, the
results are disastrous for America. Someone should have told Nancy Pelosi
that you don't put people on the Intelligence Committee in order for them
to get more intelligence.
Silvester Reyes, Texas Mexican, obviously doesn't know the difference
between shit and shinola, let alone between a Shiite and a Sunni. Given
the fact that he identifies as a Mexican first and foremost, we can now
expect the Homeland Security to allow dozens of millions more Mexicans
to cross our borders illegally, steal American jobs, and send billions
of dollars of unpaid taxes and insurance money south of the border, draining
our economy and never returning.
Affirmative action will result in more terrorists penetrating our borders
and killing Americans, thanks to Nancy Pelosi and the Democrat/Marxist
party's obsession with racial and ethnic identity politics.
:: doctorfixit 5:52 AM
[+] ::
:: Friday, December 08, 2006 ::
Mark Steyn Nails Associated Press - A Disgraceful Organization
When did the Associated Press become the perfect legitimizer for every
leftwing fishwrap in America? By re-printing AP stories, leftwing rags
give the impression of impartiality, but the reality is that the AP is
an anti-American, pro-marxist propaganda factory. Watch
the video here >>
:: doctorfixit 2:51 AM
[+] ::
:: Thursday, November 30, 2006 ::
A Second Civil War?
From TCS Daily: Is America in danger of civil war? Not immediately, perhaps,
but famed science fiction writer Orson Scott Card thinks that we're in
enough danger that he's authored a cautionary tale entitled Empire that's
set in more-or-less present times. . . Read
More >>
The two-party "duopoly" is contributing mightily to the upcoming 2nd Civil
War. Other trends contributing toward Civil War II.
- The political elites have completely insulated themselves
from the citizens, by means of McCain/Feingold, computerized gerrymandering,
and other incumbent-protection machinery.
- The majority of citizens are alienated from government
at all levels and never participate in the charade of voting.
- The majority of politically active citizens who
do vote increasingly identify with neither party.
- There are few significant differences between the
two parties.
- Both parties relentlessly increase central authority
and power, increase regulation of every aspect of life, aggressively
diminish freedom and responsibility.
- Both political parties engage in foreign policy
that is creating deep and widespread hatred of America across
the globe.
- Both political parties exist to protect the
interests of the political class and the oligarchy.
- Unchallenged political propaganda provides cover
for the government elites, propaganda generated by a vast and powerful
media industry unmatched anywhere else on earth.
- The United States Supreme Court and lesser courts
have become sinecures for elitist judicial tyranny that cuts against
the most fundamental life-and-death beliefs of a majority of citizens,
and that has unilaterally destroyed the national Constitutional foundation.
- We are led by weak and intellectually lazy elitist
oligarchs from powerful rich families, who make it painfully obvious
that they have not the slightest inkling of what life is like for
the average citizen.
- Almost without exception, our political class comes
from the elitist, we-know-what's-best-for-you class of pedigreed fools.
- We are threatened from outside by a megolith of evil
ideology - Islam - that worships human slavery and death, and that
has vowed to destroy us, and that is being encouraged and assisted
by marxists from within our nation.
- Deep and growing ideological divisions have become
impossible to resolve through the political process. This is the most
important pre-requisite for Civil War.
If the marxist/Islamics are successful, we will be destroyed. This sets
up the requirements for civil war that the author describes: impending
doom brought about by one of the factions in the struggle.
The ship of state is now adrift and being buffeted by very powerful and
dangerous winds. My only regret is that I am not going to live to see
it, or to pick up a gun and help stop the marxist/Islamic alliance.
:: doctorfixit 3:31 AM
[+] ::
:: Thursday, November 09, 2006 ::
Mexican Invaders, bin Laden,
Abortionists Are Big Winners in Mid-Term Elections
- Bush-Pelosi Eager to Screw Americans With Amnesty for Illegals - For
Lousy 8% of Votes
The Miami
Herald reports the historic "Sleeping Giant" Hispanic power in this election
was: drum roll please - TA-DA - a lousy 8% of votes. Republicans got
only 23% of the 8%, or about 2%. This isn't about to change even after
amnesty. Mexican invaders are simply not involved in American civic life,and
not because of racism. They simply have no interest in associating with
hueros (whiteys) or their civic
institutions. These are largely peasants who come from a brutally repressive
oligarchy of rich families,like the Bushes.
So, this means Bush is trampling down our borders and promoting a permanent
invasion of hundreds of millions of Mexicans for a lousy 2 percent of
total votes. He deserves to be impeached for that if nothng else. And
the Wall Street Journal wing of the Republican party represented by Tamar
Jacoby deserves to be thrown out. Tamar
Jacoby predictably, nauseatingly, and insultingly beats her tin drum
that the Republican party will be destroyed if the borders are ever secured,
or immigration laws ever enforced, but the reality is that Mexicans will
never amount to anything significant as far as support for republicans
is concerned. Mexicans are naturals for the hate-whitey, government-owes-me
victimology that the democrat party exploits so well. Pandering to these
criminal invaders is a waste of time - and republicans who swallow Jacoby's
propaganda will lose. And if the Mexicans are insulted, good. They need
to be insulted to the point that they leave.
Meanwhile, Victor
Davis Hanson demolishes arguments for open-borders. Not only is George
W.Bush nation-destoying Iraq, he's responsible for ruining Mexico as well,
by siphoning offyoung Mexican men who are leaving families and children
:: doctorfixit 6:40 PM
[+] ::
:: Saturday, October 28, 2006 ::
What Does A Galvanized
Latino Look Like?
I get a kick out of media illiterates when they write about something
or other "galvanizing the Latino vote". They're usually Mexican activists
writing propaganda crap for the LA Times.
Galvanizing is a process by which iron or steel is coated with
zinc, which then protects the metal against rusting. The zinc coating
can be applied by dipping the metal in molten zinc (hot dipping), or by
dipping it in molten zinc and using electrical voltage to attract a thinner
coating to the metal (electo-plating). In any event, if latinos enjoy
the process of being dipped in molten zinc, have at it.
Meantime, more rational, more literate voters might be energized,or
even electrified, by some disturbing
or exciting developments. But galvanized?
I don't think so.
:: doctorfixit 9:06 AM
[+] ::
Vote Fraud Reform Measures
Have Democrats Worried
York Times reports that simple, common sense vote fraud reforms like
Voter ID have the democrat party worried. The democrat Party tactic of
using predominantly black voting precincts as cover for massive ballot
box stuffing operations is threatened. The Times reports that blacks are
being instructed to claim that they feel "the system is rigged". Of course
it it - it's rigged to fraudulently inflate the numbers of Democrat votes,
especially where the race card can be used to cover their tracks. Claims
that blacks will stay home are being circulated by the TImes and other
marxist propaganda outlets to account for the anticipation of sharply
reduced numbers where effective vote fraud measures are being implemented.
follow-up: Not one story on vote fraud in any mainstream
media outlet. I wonder why. The democrats won - so the maintream media
figures there must not have been any fraud. The reality is that in Missouri,
New Jersey, Montana, and Virginia, democrat vote fraud carried the Senate.
And in numerous House races as well.
:: doctorfixit 6:06 AM
[+] ::
:: Thursday, October 26, 2006 ::

Prophet Mo-Bomb-Head Visits BeeBlogger
As advertised earlier, the prophet Mo-Bomb_Head will be visiting occasionally
to pinch off a loaf of his redolent wisdom. Here he is again today. Greetings
Prophet Mo-Bomb-Head:
"Denmark will erupt in flames as a result of it's debauchery and perfidy.
Their cartoons are an abomination before Allah".
(Note: you can always tell when Prophet Mo-Bomb-Head is even more livid
than normal. The little kernels of corn in his 'Turd-ban' start GLOWING.)
:: doctorfixit 8:40 PM
[+] ::
:: Tuesday, October 24, 2006 ::

The Manchurian Candidate Who Will Hand
Us Over to the Islamic Fascists
Which of the Democrat Party candidates will be the one who becomes the
Manchurian Candidate who betrays America in order to establish Sharia
Law and extinguish our Constitutional Rights?
It helps to first answer the question - which Democrat Party candidate
most resembles Angela Lansbury from the original film of the same name?
You decide.
Then again, other visual references spring to mind ...

And when the Democrat Party takes over as a stooge regime for the Muslim
Throatcutters, will we see Judge Anthony Kennedy impose a new case based
on International law that requires murdered unborn babies to be incinerated
they are now doing in Great Britain?
:: doctorfixit 12:27 PM
[+] ::
:: Saturday, October 21, 2006 ::
The Thing About Iraq
The thing about Iraq is that Bush is not being honest about why we are
there,and if he is being honest about why we are there, it's even worse.
We need a forward base in the Middle East that is not Israel. Iraq is
centrally located between Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Syria. It's close to
Afghanistan and Pakistan, which Bush never mentioned is part of the axis
of evil. You can't ask for a better place from which to strike at the
Muslim throat cutters. If that's not why we are there, it should be.
The problem is that instead of killing Iraqis and making them surrender,
we are nation-building. Muslims will never support democracy. The word
'Islam' means surrender - the opposite of "Give Me Liberty or Give Me
Death". For Muslims, the watchphrase is "Make Me a Slave and Let Me Kill
Myself." Bush and the neocons wanted a quickie Marshall Plan, but they
forgot that we had to kill Germans for four years before they surrendered.
Iraq never surrendered. The people are harboring terrorists. Until we
kill enough of them to make them surrender, they won't stop supporting
terrorists. We have to keep killing Irqqis until they learn to either
shoot the terrorists themselves or immediately turn them over. We should've
held off on the nation building until Iraq looked like Dresden in 1945.
And even at that, forget about democracy for Muslims. Democracy requires
a level of western values, civilization and justice that Muslims reject.
The end game for Iraq must be to partition it into Kurd and Shia strongholds,
and to allow them to crush the Sunni barbarians.
:: doctorfixit 11:00 PM
[+] ::
:: Tuesday, October 17, 2006 ::
Bush Lied - Illegals Died
Whatever his motivation (and I believe it is to unite Mexico, The US,
and Canada), Bush statements about the Senate Amnesty Plan range from
uninformed and naive to willfully ignorant to outright lies. The Congressional
Immigration Reform Congress has complied a
point by point rebuttal to Bush's misinformation that should be memorized.
"Open Borders Bush" is lying about
- Expanding the Border Patrol & Increasing Enforcement
- The Definition of Amnesty
- Jobs "Americans Won't Do"
- Penalties for employers
- Ending "Catch-And-Release"
- Background Checks
- Temporary Workers Ever Leaving the US
- The vast differences in America's views on immigration
:: doctorfixit 5:29 AM
[+] ::
:: Friday, October 13, 2006 ::

Media Puts a Cute Freckle Face on Political
In an outrageous
attempt to soften the concept of assassinating President Bush, the
liberal media makes a mid front page, two color photo splash of a cute,
sexy freckle-faced teen with an edgy MySpace theme "Kill Bush".
"It was all a big misunderstanding - if you look at the picture of my
tattoo - it says KILL-R BUSH, not KILL BUSH".
Posed by photographers on a bench with legs crossed to outline the curves
of her sexy teen butt, the young wannabe assassin wasted no time reaching
for the brass ring of socialist stardom - sponsorship by the ACLU in a
defense of deviant behavior that takes political opportunism to a new
low. In addition, MSNBC, USA Today,CNN News, and other marxist media quickly
lined up a series of puff pieces to make a new anti-Bush hero who for
once does not share the physical repugnance of Michael Moore, Cindy Sheehan,
or Lynn Stewart. The USA Today photo shoots from above, strategically
looking down her cleavage, as she cradles a laptop between her crossed
legs. What a little hottie assassin!
Our little hottie assassin is a student at one of Sacramento's notoriously
leftwing High Schools, named for the family that controls the marxist
anti-Bush newspaper chain. The little tart lives in the Land Park area
of Sacramento, an exclusive enclave of liberal hedonism surrounded by
the products of socialism - rampant drug use, murder, abortion, and urban
When she's not dreaming of murdering the president, or sharing wild and
sweaty nights with those two hunky "secret servicemen", our little hottie
is studying to become the next Nobel Prize Winner, inspired by - who else-
Presdint Jimmah Carter. . .
:: doctorfixit 8:46 PM
[+] ::
:: Wednesday, October 11, 2006 ::
Libertarianism and Liberalism
in the Same Universe?
Government corporate regulations protect individual freedom? Harold
Myerson writes an essay (praising communist Markos Moulitsas, so bring
your barf bag) pointing out the compatibilities of libertarianism and
socialism. How is it that libertarians have been so blind not to notice
these compatibilities before Mr. Myerson pointed them out? Perhaps because
- Government regulations enhance corporate power over
individual freedom. It was government tax laws that forced corporations
to institute health insurance programs that set off the explosion
of health care cost.
- Government regulations are designed by corporate
lobbyists to stifle competition and boost corporate profits.
- Government regulations force workers to join unions
or to contribute dues in order to provide funds for socialist propaganda.
There is no freedom of association under socialism.
I think libertarians are intelligent enough to recognize that the single
exception to their universal distrust of government - providing for the
common defense - is being used by socialists in a subterfuge to justify
socialists' alliance with the common enemy, and to justify their strenuous
efforts to prevent government from protecting us, using the logic that
government tactics being used against the enemy will inevitably be used
against citizens. Libertarians who understand the character of socialism
would more likely take up with an avowed enemy than they would with a
socialist who pretends to be their friend. Socialism is collapsing everywhere.
As people become more knowledgeable, they realize that regulations and
taxes will not provide the utopia that socialists keep promising but never
delivering. Prosperity is directly dependent on freedom and is never created
by government. Government can only diminish freedom, it exists for itself,
to expand its own power and to provide for an elitist class of parasite
regulators and lawmakers. The only legitimate function of government is
to protect our freedom from the common enemy: thieves, murderers, and
Follow-up: Jane
Galt is typical of voters who "punished" the Republicans by voting Democrat.
In negotiations theory, this is called "negotiating against your
own interests". In common language, it's called "Cutting off your nose
to spite your face".
:: doctorfixit 7:58 PM
[+] ::

Jimmah Carter, Traitor,
Mah Fellah 'Merrkins
Ah'm de on-y Nobel Prahz winnah Presdint so lissen up, heah? Israel mus'
assept dat Mohammed gonn' rule dey asses. Presdint Chavez is a true fren'
- he wunn dat 'lecshin fay-uhn squay-uh. Dat lil' commie Kim Jong -Il.
He a true fren' too. We signed a pac. Peace in our time is gay-ron-tee'.
Merrica's seeressly fuck 'dup . . . mallayz . . but I trahd, at leas'
I trahd. Dat hillbilly Clintin din' even trah. Ha' come he gits all dat
pussy an' I on-y gits an innervue in Playboy? Den dey cheats me outta
da Playmate pussy at de enn' uh da innervue. I gots lust in my heart for
Saddam but now dat he in da slammer my butt ben achin' - you see da size
a dat dhang when he's busted in his underweah? MMmmm-mmmm. Nothin'like
totalitarian dynosaur schlong up da butt.
:: doctorfixit 6:20 PM
[+] ::
:: Sunday, October 08, 2006 ::
Republicans Deserve To
Lose Unless They Reform
Republicans are losing my vote unless they decide to take off the gloves
and act like men instead of limp-wristed lesbians.
- The first thing they need to do is round up all the
child molesting cocksuckers in Congress and throw them off the top
of a very tall building. The Republican ones, you can blindfold because
if you can't see you can't feel yourself falling.
- Next, the Republicans need to give every member,
and every prospective member, a questionnaire. Are you a child molesting
cocksucker? A lesbian baby butcher? Former KKK? Doper? Gambler? Whore-monger?
etc. Make everyone sign a contract. If anything ever comes up that
you didn't tell us, we collect everything you own, we bankrupt you,
and we publish all of the crap you did tell us.
- Next, get rid of the page program. It's trouble. Lets face it, there
are no more Mr. Smiths going to Washington. These are midget Macchiavellis.
They are the most ruthlessly ambitious little monsters in their age
group. (Rent the movie "Election" if you don't believe me). They are
all Bill Clinton wannabes. Besides, it's time the republican fat fucks
in Congress have their little sex slaves taken away.
- Next, get Delay back, and see if you can resurrect Haldeman, Erlichman,
and Mitchell, or get some people like them. Get Bob Dornan. Get some
thugs and kick the democrats in the balls. Figuratively, of course.
His is the most important thing Republicans must do - stop being pussies,
start kicking them in the balls. You gotta get respect.
:: doctorfixit 8:07 PM
[+] ::
:: Saturday, October 07, 2006 ::

New Feature - The Prophet MO-BOMB-HEAD
Here today we have the Prophet Mo-Bomb-Head who speaks for The Religion
of Peace. We will give you updates whenever the Prophet Mo-Bomb-Head visits.
:: doctorfixit 9:17 AM
[+] ::
:: Saturday, September 30, 2006 ::

Former President of The US Boasts of Trying
to Kill bin Laden
OK, just in case there's any question which President it is that is bragging
on Fox News about wanting to kill the top guy. The question is whether
the "Muslim street" is going to just sit there and let this guy brag on
worldwide TV about how many times he tried to kill their top guy? (I thought
political assassination was illegal in the US. Ooops, I forgot, it's the
Clintons. Never mind.)
Funny thing is, how this former President can brag about authorizing the
assassination of the top Islamic Fascist, and not one peep is heard from
the "Arab Street". Hmmmm. Is this because they know he didn't really mean
it? Do they still think of Bill and Hillary as total non-threats, as they
did when he was President?
:: doctorfixit 8:56 AM
[+] ::
John McCain For President
. . . of the "After-We-Slit-Your-Throat-and-Drag-your-Body-Through-the-Street-To
Celebrate-Our-New-Super-Constitutional-Muslim-Rights" Party
:: doctorfixit 8:53 AM
[+] ::
Sacramento Bee Promotes
Democrat Party Vote Fraud
By opposing common-sense voter ID measures.
:: doctorfixit 8:50 AM
[+] ::
:: Tuesday, September 26, 2006 ::
Learn The Truth About Islam
Islam requires its adherents to do whatever it takes - lie, cheat, steal,
kill, murder - in order to convert all of the world to the worship of
death and evil. There is no peace to be had with Muslims. It is conversion
or death. They have been at war with the rest of the world for 1400 years.
If western civilization is to survive, it must learn of the evil that
Islam represents. Learn
more about Islam here >>
:: doctorfixit 11:40 AM
[+] ::
:: Sunday, September 24, 2006 ::
NYT: Spy Agencies Say War in Iraq Worsens Terrorism
Of course. The CIA has been constantly undermining Bush and the War on
Terror. Bush;s stupidest error was keeping Clintonista George Tenet on
at CIA. Read
the NYT Article...>> Read the Tennessee Feminazi's Encouraging Words
for the Muslim ThroatCutters Here
:: doctorfixit 8:27 PM
[+] ::
:: Saturday, September 23, 2006 ::
The Sublime Stupidity of
John McCain
John McCain is looking for opportunities to oppose George W. Bush in order
to enhance his presidential prospects among demo-commie-crats and fence-sitters.
He has chosen to champion the rights of Muslim throat cutters and bombers
for this purpose. But what Melon-head McCain fails to understand is that,
despite Anthony Kennedy's pitifully stupid decision in Hamdan,
terrorists are not soldiers, and they deserve no Geneva Convention rights.
Muslims have no obligation to treat infidels with any dignity, because
Muslims hold infidels in the same contempt as they do as they do insects
or pigs, and in fact Muslims are obligated by their Satan to use the most
inhuman practices imaginable to subdue the infidel. In fact, Muslims have
as much contempt for us as John McCain has. No American soldier will be
treated any differently by Muslim barbarians as a result of McCain's treachery,
a fact already made clear by al Qaeda video of dragging American soldier's
bodies. McCain is emboldening Muslims to step up their attacks, because
he is giving them the guaranteed protection of the US Supreme Court.
:: doctorfixit 10:03 PM
[+] ::
:: Wednesday, September 20, 2006 ::
Federal Government is the
Largest Employer of Illegal Aliens
Federal buraucracies are the nation's largest employer of illegal aliens.
Thousands of illegals work on federal construction projects, as service
workers, and as manual laborers, painters, maintenance workers, and janitors.
Because the federal government is non-union, workers escape the background
checks and identification procedures that unions routinely use to verify
citizenship. Federal contractors are not required to provide proof of
citizenship for any employees they hire.
In the interest of pandering to the Mexican vote, Bush has instructed
federal bureaucracies not to check the immigration status of federal workers.
As a result, because of the sheer size of the federal workforce and the
numbers of contract employees, more illegals work for the federal government
than any other single employer. Recently, a large number were aprehended
at a military base in Colorado. Periodically thee raids are conducted
to convince Americans that something is being done. Read
:: doctorfixit 6:43 PM
[+] ::
:: Thursday, September 14, 2006 ::
Muslims Cause Christian
Christian chefs across the globe reacted with rage to recent expressions
of distaste by Muslims, who were annoyed by the lack of proper seasonings
in restaurant food available in Western countries. "I don't know why they
can't add a little garlic," complained Allahu Akbar Ram Yahedoff.
Reaction was swift and severe across all seven Continents, and even in
Greenland, a large island, where Christian cooks threatened to retaliate
with burnings at the stake. Hundreds of thousands of sympathizers burned
mosques and effigies of Mohammed, while Christian surgeons re-attached
amputated hands on Muslim thieves to drive the message home.
"Bring back the Inquisition", screamed Joe McGuire, head chef at La Cochon,
whose cries were drowned by the voices of thousands of fellow Christian
restaurateurs gathered to riot outside a local mosque. "These filthy goat
fuckers need to have their tongues cut out, then they can complain about
the food around here." The Council for Proper Respect of Muslim-Hating
Cooks warned that their members cannot be blamed if things get out of
hand as a result of Muslim annoyance. "This is provocation of the worst
sort. We cannot continue to tolerate these filthy beggars blaspheming
against our cuisine. We will confiscate their goats." Mediators warned
that without their sexual partners, Muslims might become even more annoyed,
escalating the cycle of violence.
:: doctorfixit 6:53 PM
[+] ::
:: Monday, September 11, 2006 ::
Fighting Fire With Fire
Not only has the government not saved us from attack, it has made such
attacks easier than ever, by granting new rights to terrorists and by
suppressing any effective means of surveillance. Only pure luck has been
responsible for this temporary respite. I have no doubt that the ridiculous
and meaningless harassment measures put in place can be circumvented with
no effort -they are clearly designed for propaganda purposes. I have no
doubt that right now nuclear bombs are already installed and waiting until
we become a little more complacent. I have no doubt that neither the CIA
nor the FBI nor Homeland Insecurity, NSA, or military intelligence is
acomplishing one blessed thing except throwing rocks at each other over
the wall that Jamie Gorelick built. They can't even get bin Laden. One
man against a dozen security bureaucracies. What a joke.
Flight 93 taught us we can never depend on government - only teamwork
among citizens will work. The only successful resistence on 9-11 came
from citizens who ignored the government and the airlines and who took
matters into their own hands. We will not be safe until we have removed
each and every Muslim from our midst. We must take action ourselves, the
government is on the side of the Muslim cutthroats because they need the
oil. The next attack will confirm that our government is as big an enemy
as anything al Qaeda can come up with. But before we can eradicate this
ideology, we must first deal with the enemy within. Citizens must wake
up and join together as did the men on flight 93. Citizen militias, anti-Islamofascist
cells if you will, are the answer to both the problem of marxism and the
problem of Islamic fascism.
Pity those who live in major urban areas like New York City and Los Angeles.
The Muslims are now awaiting the signal to incinerate a dozen of our largest
ciites. Our government is busy harassing grandmas - but will it shut down
the mosque/hate factories? That would offend our Muslim masters in Saudi
Arabia, from whence Wahabbism and all of the Muslim jihad is financed.
:: doctorfixit 9:47 PM
[+] ::
:: Saturday, September 09, 2006 ::
Will Islam Destroy Western
Civilization? Odds Are - Yes
The Democrat Party, and especially the Clintons, continue to give aid
and comfort to Islamic fascists whose goal is the destruction of Western
Civilization. No amount of editing by ABC can disguise that fact.
Read this excellent expose of the goals of Islam, a barbarous cult non-religion,
whose founder, Mohammed, was a child molesting psychopath. Learn why Islam
must be confronted and eradicated if we are to survive.
With Clinton /Carter judges eagerly granting newfound rights to Muslim
cutthroats, and with legions of Clinton feminazi teachers ceaselessly
brainwashing children for decades that european males are fit for slaughter,
the path is being paved for goat-humping ragheads to slither into Washington
DC and pull off a coup without a struggle. That would be unsatisfactory,
though, for it would deny the imperative of jihad to cause as much mayhem
and bloodshed as possible. Ironically, then, the demo-commie-crat appeasement
policy is frustrating the Islamic cutthroats, who want excuses for the
most violent clash of civilizations possible. Clinton-style appeasement
simply does not fulfill their penis-challenged need for cutting and slicing
heads, labia, hands. Do we see the conneciton between the need to cut
and a primordial need to act out the castration phobia? And the symbiosis
between the demo-commie-crat feminazi castration obsession and Islam's
emasculation of its males?
IMAO EXCLUSIVE! Go here for actual documented Clinton White House transcripts
of a meeting between Clinton, Berger, and Albright >>
:: doctorfixit 8:41 AM
[+] ::
:: Tuesday, August 29, 2006 ::
Special Katrina First Anniversary
To New Orleans: Drop Dead, you murdering, corrupt, degenerate racist shithole.
Stop leaching off the good people of the USA and flush yourself into the
Gulf. Slide beneath the sludge at the bottom of the sea, and let never
again a word be heard of you.
:: doctorfixit 9:03 PM
[+] ::
:: Saturday, August 19, 2006 ::
Eleanor Clift Poses Osama
as Threat to Gain Political Advantage
Liberal Newsweek Columnist Eleanor Clift uses the specter of Osama Bin
Laden to frighten voters into questioning the Bush administration's effectiveness
in the war on terror. It was not that long ago that Bill Clinton passed
on every opportunity to kill Bin Laden, for reasons that remain unexplained
to this day. Perhaps the Clintonistas value Bin Laden's ability to galvanize
democrat voters into supporting their assault on America's ability to
defend itself against Islamic fascism. Or perhaps the democrats' virulent
anti-Semitism allies them with bin Laden's ultimate goal. In any case,
liberal hack journalists like Clift are a real threat to American's freedom
and security. They preach appeasement and surrender to Islam, and certain,
slow and torturous death at the hands of Islamic cutthroats. Read
and learn of our enemies >>
:: doctorfixit 8:06 PM
[+] ::
:: Sunday, July 23, 2006 ::
Altered Reality But Still The Same Old Story
Columnist Jonathan Alter can always be counted on to spout marxist dogma,
which relies on the four pillars of destruction: of family, private property,
personal freedom and responsibility, and religion. The new avenue for
rationalizing the cheapening and destruction of human life: embryonic
stem cell "research", which advances all four pillars of destruction.
It weakens families by turning human life in to a commodity. It weakens
private property by making the government the owner of live human bodies.
It weakens personal freedom and responsibility by taking life-and-death
decisions away from the creators of life. And it's a slap in the face
to every legitimate religion. Under the guise of science, with propaganda
blaring from every mainstream media outlet, a relentless campaign is on
for federal funding in order to legitimize and legalize yet another method
of selective murder. Read Alter's altered reality, where death equals
life . . . More
:: doctorfixit 9:56 PM
[+] ::
:: Saturday, July 01, 2006 ::
WAPO Celebrates Supreme Court's Al Qaeda Victory
The Supreme Court in Hamdan has
dealt a serious, if temporary, blow to fundamental American values (for
example, the right to survive). By elevating Islamic vermin to the status
of Geneva Convention signatories, the Court forces us to consider dispensing
with both the Geneva Convention and with the Supreme Court itself. After
all, do we really need a bunch of black robed tyrants inventing legalities
that require us to commit suicide, when their allies al Qaeda are perfectly
willing to exterminate us without their help? America's participation
in the Geneva Convention was designed to protect American soldiers against
the Islamic barbarism that the Supreme Court is promoting. If the Court
twists our commitment to humane treatment around to cut our own throats,
then to hell with the Geneva Convention. Although the Washington Post
is celebrating the Court's endorsement of Islamic butchery, there are
hopeful signs that the President will simply ignore this unconstitutional
intrusion into his responsibility to protect us from Islamic butchers
and ignoramuses like Anthony Kennedy.REad
More >>
:: doctorfixit 4:50 AM
[+] ::
:: Friday, June 23, 2006 ::
Why Liberalism is the World's
Most Mean-Spirited, Racist Political Philosophy - Part III
Liberals are racist. That's why they support affirmative action, which
is racist against european-americans and against so-called "minorities"
at the same time. Here's a study that inadvertently discovered liberal
racism against Katrina victims.
:: doctorfixit 3:57 PM
[+] ::
:: Friday, June 16, 2006 ::
To Ann Coulter
You Are So Beautiful - Here's a poem Just For You:
Every Time A Liberal Has a Piano Dropped On Their Head, A Little Angel
Rings A Bell
Because Every Time A Liberal Gets Squashed, Another Guest Shows Up In
Like roaches running from the light, or maggots squirming in manure,
Because You Drive the Liberals Nuts, Your Place In Heaven Is Secure
:: doctorfixit 8:22 PM
[+] ::
Why the Federal Government
Wants Illegal Aliens To Steal Your Social Security Account
Do you need more proof that the federal government has no intention of
enforcing existing immigration laws, let alone the proposed new legislation?
Multiple illegal aliens can steal your Social Security number and jeopardize
your ability to collect Social Security, but the federal government will
do nothing to discover it, to stop it, or to correct it, even if you find
out and notify them.
The Social Security system has a vested interest in enabling fraud by
illegal aliens. Under the Clinton/Bush one-world strategy, the number
of fraudulent mexicans has reached a critical mass, where it will soon
be impossible to deny them Social Security benefits - at the expense of
your children and grandchildren. This is by design, not by accident. Bush
has entered secret negotiations with Vicente Fox to put Mexico on our
Social Security system, even as the system is collapsing.
Click here to read the Fox News expose >>
:: doctorfixit 7:34 PM
[+] ::
:: Sunday, June 11, 2006 ::
The Latest 'Blame America
First' Campaign - Blame America for Mexico's Problems
Boo Hoo News Flash: the US - from which Mexico extracts nearly its entire
GNP - is suddenly to blame for every misfortune suffered by our 'friends'
to the south - at least, according to the whiners at MSNBC in their excerpt
of a book by Joseph Contreras. Contreras ruefully agrees with me on the
inevitable outcomes from open borders: either the US will become a feudal,
corrupt, third world shithole, or we will annex Mexico (and Central America
to boot), depose their oligarchies, and impose American socialism. Of
course, Contreras, being an anti-european racist, sees the second option
as a bad thing. Read
More MSNBC review of Contreras>>
How many less-than-minimum-wage earners do you know who can afford to
send half their paycheck to Mexico? Judd
Magilnick tells us how this is possible:
" . . . to understand the impact of illegal
immigration, there's really only one number necessary to remember: 15.
Fifteen billion dollars is what it annually costs the State of California
to provide direct services to illegals: education, healthcare, prisons
(not including intangibles such as law enforcement, sanitation, roads,
etc.). Fifteen billion dollars also happens to be the amount that is
sent home annually in remittances from the state. Essentially, the illegal
alien civilization of California is a giant wealth transfer machine,
moving money from citizen taxpayers to the economy of Mexico. "
Read More of This Excellent Article >>
:: doctorfixit 7:35 PM
[+] ::
:: Wednesday, May 31, 2006 ::
Why Liberalism Is The World's
Most Mean-Spirited, Racist Political Philosophy - Part II
Radical feminism is the most mean-spirited branch of liberalism. Feminism
denies the basic truth of humanity - that men and women each embody different
characteristics that join in a union that produces human life, and that
form the basis of families, culture, society, and civilization. Feminism
negates one half of humanity - men - in an act of genocidal and suicidal
mean-ness that transcends the cruelty of any competing hateful ideology.
Feminism denies the possiblity that women can be mean spirited, hateful,
or violent, and by doing so, puts liberalism on a pedestal of vengeful
hatefulness that radiates like an evil beacon of negative energy over
all of humanity. Read
More >>
:: doctorfixit 6:07 AM
[+] ::